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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

In His Hands: Trusting God with Your Journey



TEXT: Matthew 6:24-34




Matthew writes these words in the context of believers not getting worried about what they will eat, drink or wear. Many a believer will seek after these things that basically cater for the physical body, neglecting the spiritual.

The passage tells us that it is pagans that seek after these things! As we seek God with all our heart, let us demonstrate that practically through seeking His rule and dominion in our daily living.

We do not get overly anxious over our daily wants and needs, regardless of how difficult life is today in Nigeria.

Do you often find yourself losing sleep over matters that are not within your control? It may be that you have not allowed God to rule over the issue.

Seek His Kingdom and righteousness and all other things will be added to you.

QUESTION: How often do you seek God and His kingdom compared to your personal, temporal material needs?


PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for seeking other things rather than You and Your Kingdom. Amen. 

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2025.

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