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Sunday, March 12, 2023

ECWA Daily Manna 2023


TEXT: Jeremiah 6:1-15

1. Jerusalem is Surrounded by Enemies people of Benjamin, run for safety! Escape from Jerusalem! Sound the trumpet in Tekoa and build a signal fire in Beth Haccherem. Disaster and destruction are about to come from the north.

2. The city of Zion is beautiful, but it will be destroyed;

3. kings will camp there with their armies. They will pitch their tents around the city, and each of them will camp wherever they want.

4. They will say, “Prepare to attack Jerusalem! Get ready! We’ll attack at noon!” But then they will say, “It’s too late, the day is almost over, and the evening shadows are growing long.

5. We’ll attack by night; we’ll destroy the city’s fortress.”

6. The Lord Almighty has ordered these kings to cut down trees and build mounds in order to besiege Jerusalem. He has said, “I will punish this city because it is full of oppression.

7. As a well keeps its water fresh, so Jerusalem keeps its evil fresh. I hear violence and destruction in the city; sickness and wounds are all I see.

8. People of Jerusalem let these troubles be a warning to you, or else I will abandon you; I will turn your city into a desert, a place where no one lives.”

9. Rebellious Israel The LORD Almighty said to me, vineyard from which every grape has been picked. So you must rescue everyone you can while there is still time”

10. I answered, “Who would listen to me if I spoke to them and warned them? They are stubborn and refuse to listen to your message; they laugh at what you tell me to say.

11. Your anger against them burns in me too, Lord, and I can’t hold it in any longer.” Then the Lord said to me, “Pour out my anger on the children in the streets and on the gatherings of the young people. Husbands and wives will be taken away, and even the very old will not be spared.

12. Their houses will be given to others, and so will their fields and wives. I am going to punish the people of this land.

13. Everyone, great and small tries to make money dishonestly; even prophets and priests cheat the people.

14. They act as if my people’s wounds were only scratches. ‘All is well,’ they said, when all is not well.

15. Were they ashamed because they did these disgusting things? No, they were not at all ashamed; they don’t even know how to blush. And so they will fall as others have fallen; when I punish them, that will be the end of them. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

(Good News Translation Holy Bible)


The time for the judgement on Jerusalem was approaching. So God warned the tribe of Benjamin to escape. They were warned not to seek refuge from the so-called secured city of Jerusalem because the impending destruction targeted it.

The Word of the Lord clearly stated: “sound the trumpet in Tekoa! Raise the signal over Beth Hakkerem! For disaster looms out of the north, even terrible destruction. I will destroy the daughter of Zion” (verses 1-2).

From verse 3 onward, God deliberately empowers Babylon as His instrument of judgement against His people. The inhabitants of Jerusalem closed their ears because the Word of the Lord was offensive to them. Perhaps because they had prophets and religious leaders who were deceitful in order to satisfy their greed.

These people were so engrossed in their rebellion that they could not show remorse. The 21st Century is witnessing this kind of behaviour. Many church members prefer preachers who teach and preach what they want to hear: promises that everything will be well according to the desires of the listener, irrespective of how one lives, and prosperity, even when they have not planted anything.

QUESTION: Are your ears closed to the truth of the Word of God?

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I am open to Your Word at all times so that I can live above reproach. Help me to continue on that path. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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