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Monday, February 13, 2023

Short Daily Devotion As Our Daily Manna


TEXT: Romans 5:8

Verse 8 – But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

(Amplified Version Holy Bible)


The “red day” is here again! It’s Valentine’s Day! It’s lovers’ day! How this day will be celebrated will be determined by the state of a relationship and willingness to be responsible.

In other words, love, whether it is shared between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, husband and wife, child and parents or siblings, is gauged on what each party is willing to offer or sacrifice. It is the same with loving Jesus Christ.

What a person is willing to sacrifice for Christ determines how much he/she loves God. Jesus Christ, who is the epitome of love, clearly demonstrates this in our text for today. In loving us, He died. He did so while we were still sinners! Here we find the height of responsibility; that Jesus, without waiting for us to be good, loved us.

We don’t see this kind of responsible loving around us. When was the last time you saw a boy love a girl that was bad? No, what we see is a boy abandoning his girlfriend that he “lovingly” made love to and put in the family way! The same applies to other cadres of human relationship.

As soon as things take a wrong turn, love ceases. Love responsibly this Valentine or don’t love at all!

QUESTION: Have you experienced the love of God? Can some experience responsible love through you?

PRAYER: Help me to offer responsible love, Oh Lord. Teach me how to do this, in Jesus name, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

Happy Valentine's Day, 2023.

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