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Sunday, January 1, 2023

Start The Year With Our Daily Devotional


TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 1:1 - 11


What Paul wished Timothy in his greetings was what we believers often need and you, too, would need on a daily basis this year - the grace, mercy and peace of God. We should never take them for granted but thank God daily for them.

Timothy was one of those true sons of Paul in the faith on whom he could rely to faithfully teach the word of God. In a place like Ephesus, which was a center of occultism, there was no doubt that false doctrines posed a big danger to the Church. One of the chief false doctrines was that of teaching the Law as a basis for salvation and the reason for it was pride and ego.

The flesh (our old nature) loves religious legalism because rules and regulations enable a person to appear holy, without really having to change his heart and so feeds our pride and ego. But the Law cannot save lost sinners (Gal 2:21; 3:21-29); it can only reveal their need for a Saviour.

When a sinner believes in Jesus Christ, it is only then that, by grace, he is freed from the curse of the Law, which is now met by the indwelling Holy Spirit, as a believer yields to God (Gal 3:10-14, Rom 8:1-4). Thus, the Law and Gospel go together The Law is not Gospel, but the Gospel is not lawless (Rom 3:20-31).

QUESTION: Have you been saved and are living by grace through faith?

PRAYER: Oh Lord, having been saved by grace through faith, help me never to take it for granted, but daily appreciate your grace, mercy and peace in Jesus name. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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