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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Our Today Daily Devotions


TEXT: Exodus 23:20-33

20. I am sending an angel to protect you and to lead you into the land I have ready for you.

21. Carefully obey everything the angel says, because I am giving him complete authority, and he won’t tolerate rebellion.

22. IF you faithfully obey him, I will be a fierce enemy of your enemies.

23. My angel will lead you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out.

24. Don’t worship their gods or follow their customs. Instead, destroy their idols and shatter their stone images.

25. Worship only me, the LORD your God! I will bless you with plenty of food and water and keep you strong.

26. Your women will give birth to healthy children, and everyone will live a long life.

27. I will terrify those nations and make your enemies so confused that they will run from you.

28. I will make the Hivites, Canaanites, and Hittites panic as you approach.

29. But I won’t do all this in the first year, because the land would become poor, and wild animals would be everywhere.

30. Instead, I will force out your enemies little by little and give your nation time to grow strong enough to take over the land.

31. I will see that your borders reach from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River and from the Mediterranean Sea to the desert. I will let you defeat the people who live there, and you will force them out of the land.

32. But you must not make any agreements with them or with their gods.

33. Don’t let them say in your land. They will trap you into sinning against me and worshiping their gods.

(Contemporary English Version Holy Bible)


If the Israelites worshipped the Lord faithfully and did not rebel against Him and worshipped other gods, then, among other things, God promised to bless their food and water and take away sickness from them. None would suffer miscarriage and they would live out their entire life spans.

He also promised to go ahead of them and cause terror and confusion among their enemies in order to drive them out. These are privileges that believers in Christ can still freely enjoy today, by grace, if only we trust in Christ alone and worship Him faithfully.

QUESTION: How faithful are you in worshipping and serving the Lord?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to be faithful in worshipping and serving You and move against anyone and anything that hinders me from worshipping and serving You, in Jesus Name, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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