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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Free ECWA Daily Devotions for Friday, 30 December, 2022


TEXT: Psalm 145:14-21

14. The LORD lifts up people who have fallen. He helps those who are in trouble.

15. All living things look to you for their food, and you give them their food at the right time.

16. You open your hands and give every living thing all that it needs.

17. Everything the LORD does is good. Everything he does shows how loyal he is.

18. The LORD is near to everyone who sincerely calls to him for help.

19. He listens to his followers and does what they want. He answers their prayers and saves them.

20. The LORD protects everyone who loves him, but he destroys all who do evil.

21. I will praise the LORD! Let everyone praise his holy name forever and ever!

(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)


Earthly rulers lord it over their subjects. Most African or other countries kings and leaders are becoming exceedingly rich while their subjects and citizens are becoming poorer and poorer by the day. Unfortunately, some church ministers are copying from these evil world leaders.

However, our everlasting, righteous and just King is so caring that He “upholds” and “lifts” up His subjects (v. 14). The Psalmist also points out that God keeps watching and providing for us in whatever conditions we find ourselves. He does so because He is “righteous” and “loving” (v. 17).

Therefore, there is no need to fear since our great and efficient King is always with us. Simply trust the Lord with all your heart and He will be ever ready to meet your needs. No need to run to every so-called prayer house, you can invite your friend or anyone you trust to support you in prayer.

Remember, what God needs is your faith in Him (Matthew 17:20). No witch or demon can destroy you. Remember, He is the highest King and nobody can harm us since we are safely in His hands (Psalm 145:16a, John 10:29).

QUESTION: Do you trust the Lord to protect your life and provide your needs?

PRAYER: My Lord and my King, I will forever trust You for my protection and providence, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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