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Monday, October 24, 2022

What are the Good Bible Questions-Bible Quiz?

When we talked about Bible quiz, we are about how do you know the Holy Bible? The Holy Bible, when read it, you will always fine something new because God speak to us through His Words, i.e the Holy Bible.

So, when you fell to read the Holy Bible, you are depriving yourself from hearing some voices that God speak to others in His Word. Which will guide your day and gives you hope and confidence from some of the events that happened. Those events are there to strengthened our faith and believe in our Savior Jesus Christ.

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Again, reading the Holy Scriptures, make us to understand what God can. In other words, what God cannot do does not exist because He is the All-powerful God. He is there for us only if we can wait for His appointed time and stick to Him as our Lord of Lord and everything, without trying to go off the track by seeking other means or small gods that is not from our Savior.

In this article, we will be discussing about some Bible quiz to see our knowledge of the Scripture. That is our food and our footsteps to follow. Just follow the questions and their answers with the Bible reference to it.

Question 1: How old was Josiah when he became king?

Answer: Eight years old, 2 Kings 22:1-10

Question 2: When did a voice come from heaven and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased?

Answer: After the baptism of Jesus Christ, (Matthew 3:17)

Question 3: What are the five Books of Moses in the Holy Bible?

Answer: They are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy

Question 4: The Book of Revelation, is whose revelation to John the Apostle?

Answer: Is the Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave Him, Revelation 1:1

Question 5: Where is written in the Bible “Joy in suffering?”

Answer: 1 Peter 4:13

Question 6: The Book of Revelation addressed letters to seven churches name them

Answer: The seven churches are: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, Revelation 1:11

Question 7: Who is a Disciple?

Answer: Anyone that left everything and follow Jesus Christ, Luke 14:25-27

Question 8: Who is the Holy Spirit?

Answer: Is the third person of the Godhead. Is the counselor or advocate, John 16:5-15

Question 9: Who was the first man in the Bible to commit suicide?

Answer: Saul, 1 Samuel 31:1-7

Question 10: Who wrote the Book of Luke?

Answer: Dr. Luke, Colossians 4:14 talked about his profession

Question 11: Which king of Israel God regretted making him king?

Answer: King Saul, 1 Samuel 16:35

Question 12: What prevent David from building God’s Temple?

Answer: Because he has shed much blood and have fought many wars, 1 Chronicles 22:8

Question 13: Who was the leader of the people that build the Tower of Babel?

Answer: Nimrod, Genesis 10:10, Genesis 11:1-9

Question 14: How old was Shem before he died?

Answer: 500 years old, Genesis 11:11

Question 15: What is the name of the place that Jacob wrestled with the angel?

Answer: Peniel, Genesis 32:30

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Question 16: Who is the prophet that Balak hired to curse the children of Israel?

Answer: Balaam, Numbers 23:1-30

Question 17: Who was the man that demanded for the body of Jesus from Pilate for burial?

Answer: Joseph of Arimathea, John 19:38

Question 18: Who is described as the mighty hunter in the Bible?

Answer: Nimrod, Genesis 10:9

Question 19: In what Scripture of the Bible that God cause Adam into a deep sleep and formed Eve from his rib?

Answer: Genesis 2:21

Question 20: Who was the man that healed Saul (later be called Paul) of his blindness?

Answer: Ananias, Acts 9:10-12

When we read the Scriptures every day, we will know more about God and what He can do in our entire life and we will know God’s purpose for us in this world.

Reading the Bible strengthen our faith, confidence, trust and believe in God while we wait for His second coming which surely will happen. We are just waiting the day that Jesus will come, whether death or alive because He has promised us that He is going to prepare a place for us and He will come back some day to take us home.

Make it a habit to be reading the Scriptures to get us busy with Christ and not the things of this world which are temporal.

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