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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Bible Quiz for the year

In this article, we will be talking about Bible quiz for the year. This means, through reading the Bible for a whole of the year gives you more insight in the Word of God. It teaches you know more chapters and verses up-head. These verses test our knowledge in the Word of God, the Bible. We believers need to be rooted in the Word, thirst and hunger for it because it our daily bread.

Note: All Bible reading for this particular post of Bible quiz will be in English Standard Version (ESV) Holy Bible. So, when the Bible is been quoted, remember that it is based on that particular version. If there is another version that will be using for clarity, it will be stated.

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Bible is our guide as believer. So reading the Bible is what believer should be eager to be doing so that the Word of God will not depart from our mouth according to Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” English Standard Version Holy Bible.

When we read the Scriptures, we will see and identify some events that occurs in the past to strengthen our faith and give hope in Christ Jesus. Those events were identify by the reading of the Bible. So, when you read the Bible you will know what happen in the past and that give rise to the Bible quiz. Bible quiz is what test our knowledge in the reading of the Bible. When a question is been asked from the Bible, you are require to know or refresh your brain that yes, this event has occur and you will try to locate the Book of the Bible, the chapter and the verse.

Bible quiz refresh our mind and keep us from been reluctant in the things of God. So, let get busy in the Word of God as we proceed to highlight some Bible Quiz questions and probably answer the questions together with the help of God that give us the grace to be able to enlighten other believers on the way to go. May God help us to keep shining and showcasing His Word to the rest of the world, Amen.

Question 1: “Every kingdom divided against itself it laid waste,” Where can we find that in the Bible?

Answer: Luke 11:17

Question 2: Christ is the ONLY way to heaven. Where can we find that verse?

Answer: Ephesians 2:18

Question 3: Where in the Bible that says we should not let our angry reach sun down?

Answer: Ephesians 4:26

Question 4: Where can we find this saying “…do all to the glory of God?”

Answer: 1 Corinthians 10:31

Question 5: Where did the Bible said, we shall all stand for judgment?

Answer: 2 Corinthians 5:10

Question 6: Don’t lose the reward we have worked for. Where can we find this verse?

Answer: 2 John 1:8

Question 7: Where in the Bible that talked about love of money?

Answer: Hebrews 13:5

Question 8: where did the Bible warns against not paying wages to the one that worked for you?

Answer: James 5:4

Question 9: What did the Bible say is baptism?

Answer: 1 Peter 3:21

Question 10: What did John say about false teachers?

Answer: 1 John 4:1-6

Question 11: What did the two blind men do and they were healed?

Answer: They only call Jesus, the Son of David and they were healed, Matthew 9:27-30

Question 12: Which sin is regarded as the sin that cannot be forgiven?

Answer: The sins of blasphemy against God, Matthew 12:30-32

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Question 13: Why was Jonah angry with the Lord?

Answer: Because the Lord have pity on Nineveh, Jonah 4:1-3

Question 14: Who own the silver and gold?

Answer: Silver and gold are Mine says the Lord, Haggai 2:9

Question 15: Which of the angle appeared to Daniel?

Answer: Daniel 8:15-16

Question 16: What is Amos profession before the Word of God came to him?

Answer: Was among the shepherds, Amos 1:1

Question 17: Where in the Bible that God attributed His kingdom to a little child?

Answer: Matthew 18:1-10

Question 18: Where did demons asked Jesus to live in?

Answer: Demons asked Jesus to let them live in pigs, Matthew 8:28-34

Question 19: Where in the Bible that written: “To obey is better than sacrifice?”

Answer: 1 Samuel 15:22 - NIV

Question 20: What happened to David when he took a census?

Answer: The Lord punishes David for taking a census, 2 Samuel 24:1

Here, we can pause to continue another time for more of Bible quiz. From the above verses, we are encouraged to read more Scriptures to strengthen our faith and to know more about God. Anything you and I read the Word of God, we must find a new thing inside.

God can speak to us through the Scriptures we read. Just imagine, someone that did not have time to read Scriptures. If God want to talk to us through His Word, where can He find us? Which means, we will be nowhere to be found.

Now, these verses has taught us to read more of God’s Word so that we can quote some Scriptures and know some events that have taken place in the past.

Hope this article is helpful? Keep visiting this blog as we give you this and many more of God’s Word.

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