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Friday, November 25, 2022

What Are Some Good Bible Questions?

We are here again with another set of Bible quiz to strengthen our deep knowledge the Bible. The Book that reminds us our activities here on earth.

As believers and those who are yet to accept Christ as their Lord and personal Savior, we are encouraged to see Bible as our guide. We can also quote some Scripture for correction, rebuke, confident, hope, and trust in the God for what He has been doing, what He is still doing and what He will do in our life here on earth and beyond.

Through the Scripture, we know that there is surely a life which our Lord has gone to prepare and He will surely come to take us there with Him. The Book of Revelation is clear about that.

To know some of the events and what is bestowed for us, we need the Bible in our life every day to give us more insight. See our Daily Devotions to growth our Spiritual life with Him.

If we devote ourselves in reading the Scriptures, we will surely identify the end time prophets who are all over deceiving many.

In view of the above, we have set some Bible quiz to enable us development the habit of knowing the Bible (The Word of God) and some events that give us more confident and hope that God exist and Jesus Christ is coming. Here are some questions and answers levelled below. Using The Amplified Version of Holy Bible to quote all Scriptures except otherwise, it will be stated with the other version.

Question 1: Where is the prayer of Micah for confession found?

Answer: Micah, 7:7-11 (Verse 7: But me, I’m not giving up. I’m sticking around to see what God will do. I’m not out. I’m sitting in the dark right now, but God is my light. The Message Holy Bible).

Question 2: What is the name of the prophet that anoint Saul as king?

Answer: Samuel, 1 Samuel 10:1

Question 3: Who is the father of David?

Answer: Jesse, 1 Samuel 16:11

Question 4: What is the first phrase in the Bible?

Answer: In the beginning, Genesis 1:1

Question 5: What is the first word from Adam when he saw the woman that God made for him?

Answer: “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:22-23

Question 6: Who was the man that commanded the sun and the moon to stand still until after the war between Amorites and Israelites?

Answer: Joshua, Joshua 10:12-13

Question 7: Who was the man in the Bible that cut his hair once a year?

Answer: Absalom, 2 Samuel 14:25-26

Question 8: Who married Ruth after the death of her husband?

Answer: Boaz, Ruth 4:13

Also Read: What Does the Bible Says About Partiality and Favoritism?

Question 9: Where did Lazarus come from?

Answer: Bethany, John 11:1

Question 10: Who was the man that brought a mixture of myrrh and aloe for the burial of Jesus Christ?

Answer: Nicodemus, John 19:39-40

Question 11: What did Noah do before God that He promised not destroy the earth again?

Answer: Noah offered burnt offerings (sacrifice) on the altar, Genesis 8:20-21

Question 12: Where in the Bible that Jesus comes from the generation of Ruth?

Answer: Ruth 4:17

Question 13: What is the name of Saul’s father?

Answer: Kish, 1 Samuel 9:3

Question 14: How many sons that Gideon have before he died?

Answer: Seventy sons and another one son from his concubine, Judges 8:30-32

Question 15: Who killed Goliath?

Answer: David, 1 Samuel 17:48

Question 16: Where in the Bible did God send Moses to deliver the children of Israel?

Answer: Mount Horeb, Exodus 3.

Question 17: What was the name of the prostitute (harlot) that hid the spies from Israel in Jericho?

Answer: Rahab, Joshua 2:1-7

Question 18: Who was the man that collected the mantle from Elijah?

Answer: Elisha, 2 Kings 2:8-14

Question 19: Who was the man that Angel Gabriel made dump for unbelieving?

Answer: Zachariah, Luke 1:18-20

Question 20: How many people of Jacob’s household sent to Egypt with him?

Answer: Seventy (70) people, Genesis 46:27

You Can Also Read: What Does the Bible Says About Vengeance?

From the above questions and answers, you can do well in reading the Bible so that you will not be left behind. The Bible is our guide and protection, there is no where we can find peace except in the Word of God.

Let have time to read the Scriptures, it will strengthen our faith in our Lord Jesus. The Word of God is use for correction rebuking and is a double-edged sword.

Hope this article is helpful? Keep visiting our blog for more.

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