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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Divine Moments: Daily Inspiration and Devotions



TEXT: Psalm 148:1-14


1. Praise the LORD! Angels above, praise the LORD from heaven!


2. Praise him, all you angels! Praise him, all his army!


3. Sun and moon, praise him! Stars and light in the sky, praise him!


4. Praise him, highest heaven! Waters above the sky, praise him!


5. Let them praise the LORD’S name, because he gave the command and created them all!


6. He made all these continue forever. He made the laws that will never end.


7. Everything on earth, praise him! Great sea animals and all the oceans, praise the LORD!


8. Praise him, fire and hail, snow and clouds, and the stormy winds that obey him.


9. Praise him, mountains and hills, fruit trees and cedar trees.


10. Praise him, wild animals and cattle, reptiles and birds.


11. Praise him, kings and the earth and all nations, princes and all rulers on earth.


12. Praise him, young men and women, old people and children.


13. Praise the LORD’S name! Honor his name forever! His name is greater than any other. He is more glorious than heaven and earth.


14. He made his people strong. His loyal followers praise him. Israel, his precious people, praise the LORD!


(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)




The world exists and the word of God and everything on earth is created to praise Him.

Someone opined that “all things that God created take time to show their appreciation to God in their own ways except man.”

His argument is that man is full of complaints and easily forgets what God has done for him. Whatever your view about this, you should understand that today’s Psalm calls everyone and everything to praise the Lord.

The Psalmist also established the fact that everything was created at the command of the Lord. Because God’s splendor is above the earth and He has raised a horn for His people, they need to remain in a constant attitude of praising Him.

We need to join the millions of people all over the world in offering qualitative praise to this God for ALL He has done for us.


QUESTION: Do you always take time to reflect on the things God has done for you so as to give Him the needed praise?


PRAYER: Open the eyes of my heart to behold the wonderful plans You have for me so that I will offer qualitative praises to You as long as I continue to live, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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