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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Strength for the Journey: Daily Devotional Thoughts

SUNDAY, 28 JULY 2024


TEXT: NUMBERS 22:21-41



Life is full of mysteries that we cannot fully fathom. Deuteronomy 29:29 says that the secret things belong to the Lord but the things revealed belong to us.


The perfect will of the Lord has been substituted many times with the permissive will which stems from our hearts' willingness to satisfy our own desires over and above the plans of God. God sometimes allows us to do what we want not necessarily because He is happy but because we have forced our way through.


Balaam knew that God was not in the business that he was going into, but he still undertook the journey. No wonder, God wanted to end his life but for the intervention of the donkey.


There is an urgent need for us to reconsider our lives to see the number of times we have pushed through our own desires even when God was against what we were doing. We must turn back and seek to do His perfect will and not His permissive will.


QUESTION: Have you ever insisted on doing the things that you know are against the will of God?


PRAYER: Forgive me, dear Lord, for always insisting on having my way even when that is against Your will. Help me align to Your perfect will for my life from now henceforth, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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