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Monday, July 29, 2024

Daily Inspirations: Walking with the Lord

MONDAY, 29 JULY 2024





Man is notoriously greedy. He always desires to add more to what he already has even when such is sometimes the wrong thing to do.


We have seen many people support a wrong cause just because a lot of money is involved. Balaam continued with two different oracles, all of which blessed the people instead of placing curses on them. A closer look will show the huge resources wasted by Balak just for the people of Israel to be cursed by Balaam.


We need to know that Satan and many other people are plotting our downfall in our communities, offices, schools, places of business and even in our families. But God has not allowed that to happened.


Many 'prophets' and other titled men in our churches have sprung up to help waste our resources due to their greed and selfishness. But we must know that God is the only one who can handle the opposition that comes against us in this life.


QUESTION: How many times have you gone seeking for solutions from people and what were the responses?


PRAYER: Protect me from men like Balaam, dear Lord, and help me know that Your blessings upon my life should not be wasted but are meant to build the lives of others, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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