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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Faith Foundations: Daily Scriptural Meditations



TEXT: NUMBERS 27:12-23




God and His Word are the same and He will always bring to pass the things He says.


When the Israelites rebelled against God, He said that none of them would see the land He had promised them. That included Aaron and Moses who disobeyed God at the water of Meribah where he struck the rock twice instead of just speaking as instructed.


Sometimes we feel that a simple disobedience will not amount to anything. But God is not happy with any form of disobedience.


Moses didn't ask for an extension to his life. Rather, he trusted in the judgement of God and asked for his replacement - a person who will lead the people to the Promised Land. And God brought Joshua for Moses to prepare him for that task


QUESTION: How do you react when you know that you have committed a sin?


PRAYER: Dear Lord, please help me to always remember that You are a God whose eyes will never behold iniquity and grant me the will to confess every sin commit, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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