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Monday, April 1, 2024

Majestic Mornings: Daily Devotions for Divine Majesty



TEXT: Habakkuk 1:1-11

1. The oracle (a burdensome message-a pronouncement from God) which Habakkuk the prophet saw.


2. O LORD, how long will I call for help And You will not hear? I cry out to You, “Violence!” Yet You do not save.


3. Why do You make me see iniquity, And cause me to look on wickedness? For destruction and violence are before me; Strife continues and contention arises.


4. Therefore, the law is ineffective and ignored And justice is never upheld, For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore, justice becomes perverted.


5. [The LORD replied,] “Look among the nations! See! Be astonished! Wonder! For I am doing something in your days- You would not believe it if you were told.


6. “For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans [who rule in Babylon], That fierce and impetuous nation Who march throughout the earth To take possession of dwelling places that do not belong to them.


7. “The Chaldeans are dreaded and feared; Their justice and authority originate with themselves and are defined only by their decree.


8. “Their horses are swifter than leopards And keener than [hungry] wolves in the evening, Their horsemen come galloping, Their horsemen come from far away; They fly like an eagle swooping down to devour.


9. “They all come for violence; Their horde of faces moves [eagerly] forward, They gather prisoners like sand.


10. “They make fun of kings And rulers are a laughing matter to them. They ridicule every stronghold And heap up rubble [for earth mounds] and capture it.


11. “Then they will sweep by like the wind and pass on. But they will be held guilty, They [and all men] whose own power and strength is their god.”


(Amplified Version Holy Bible)




Prophet Habakkuk was frustrated by the seeming refusal of God to answer the prayers he had been offering for His intervention in a society full of violence, injustice, strife, corruption and many other evils just as we are experiencing today.

Judah, an assumed nation of God’s people, had been suffering under wicked leaders and in the hands of neighbouring nations.

The prophet asked, “How long, O Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?” This is similar to believers’ prayers to God without the anticipated outcome.

Instead of a positive response, read God’s word to the prophet in vs. 5-11 and note how confused he was about His plan to further deal with His people using a more wicked nation.

When God wants to punish or discipline His disobedience children, He can use anyone or anything to achieve His purpose.


QUESTION: Are you perplexed and confused that while we are experiencing the pains of injustice, it seems the prayers of the saints are not being answered.


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, grant us the grace not to fall under Your wrath when You judge a nation that refused to turn away from sin. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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