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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Feed Me With Your Daily Manna Oh Lord


TEXT: Acts 16:35-40

35. Now when they came the chief magistrates sent their officers saying, “Release those men.”

36. And the jailer repeated the words to Paul, saying, “The chief magistrates have sent word to release you; so come out now and go in peace.”

37. But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us in public without a trial, men who are Romans, and have thrown us into prison; and now they are sending us out secretly? No! Let them come here themselves and bring us out!”

38. The officers reported this message to the chief magistrates, and when they heard that the prisoners were Romans, they were frightened;

39. so they came [to the prison] and appealed to them [with apologies], and when they brought them out, they kept begging them to leave the city.

40. So they left the prison and went to Lydia’s house; and when they had seen the brothers and sisters, they encouraged and comforted them, and left.

(Amplified Version Holy Bible)



Injustice is a situation where someone's rights are violated or denied. Today, we live in a society where the guilty go unpunished and the innocent are punished for crimes they never committed.


In today's text, Paul and Silas are jailed for preaching the Gospel and healing the sick.


Their enemies felt that their acts of deception and extortion had failed by the reason of the deliverance experienced by the slave girl (vs. 16-19).


Paul and Silas demonstrated courage by declaring that they were Roman citizens and refused to be humiliated.


Their courage to speak in the face of oppression paid off as the magistrate gave in and had them escorted away (vs. 37-39). Moreover, their courage became a source of encouragement to others (vs. 40).


QUESTION: Have you given in to fear and injustice which have made you lose courage?


PRAYER: Oh Lord, help me not to be discouraged in the face of injustice. Rather, grant me the boldness and courage to speak out whenever necessary, in Christ's name. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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