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Sunday, October 8, 2023

ECWA Food For The Day Daily Devotions


TEXT: Proverbs 14:26-15-9

Proverbs 14:26-35

26. In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence and his children have a refuge.

27. The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning people from the snares of death.

28. A large population is a king’s splendor, but a shortage of people is a ruler’s devastation.

29. A patient person [shows] great understanding, but a quick-tempered one promotes foolishness.

30. A tranquil heart is life to the body, but jealousy is rottenness to the bones.

31. The one who oppresses the poor insults their Maker, but one who is kind to the needy honors Him.

32. The wicked are thrown down by their own sin, but the righteous have a refuge when they die.

33. Wisdom resides in the heart of discerning; she is known even among fools.

34. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

35. A king favors a wise servant, but his anger falls on a disgraceful one.

Proverbs 15:1-9

1. A gentle answer turns away angers, but a harsh words stirs up wrath.

2. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive, but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.

3. The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, observing the wicked and the good.

4. The tongue that heals is a tree of life, but a devious tongue breaks the spirit.

5. A fool despises his father’s instruction, but a person who heeds correction is sensible.

6. The house of the righteous has great wealth, but trouble accompanies the income of the wicked.

7. The lips of the wise broadcast knowledge, but not so the heart of fools.

8. The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is His delight.

9. The LORD detests the way of the wicked, but He loves the one who pursues righteousness.

(Holmans CS Version Holy Bible)



One of the things man dreads most is death. Fearing God is distinctively different from fearing man and inanimate things.


The fear of God has to do with a feeling of reverence, awe and respect, not the unpleasant emotions of terror or dread described in Proverbs 29:25a.


The fear of the Lord is all enriching and comes with a lot of benefits or blessings. For instance, the man who fears the Lord has a secured fortress which will also be a refuge for his children (vs.26).


The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life that can turn a man from the snares of death (vs.27).


The fear of the Lord keeps one pure (cf. Psalm 19:9); "He that fears the Lord... shall be taught in the way" (cf. Psalm 25:12); and the goodness of God is extended to them who fear the Lord (cf. Psalm 31:19).


QUESTION: Do you really fear God out of reverence?


PRAYER: Oh God, help me to reverence You, to stand in awe of You and respect You all the days of my life, in Jesus name. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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