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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Steps To Living God Daily Devotions



TEXT: Numbers 9:1-14


1: The Lord spoke to Moses in the Desert of Sinai in the first month of the second year after they came out of Egypt. He said,


2: “Have the Israelites celebrate the Passover at the appointed time.


3: Celebrate it at the appointed time, at twilight on the fourteenth day of this month, in accordance with all its rules and regulations.”


4: So Moses told the Israelites to celebrate the Passover,


5: and they did so in the Desert of Sinai at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. The Israelites did everything just as the Lord commanded Moses.


6: But some of them could not celebrate the Passover on that day because they were ceremonially unclean on account of a dead body. So they came to Moses and Aaron that same day


7: and said to Moses, “We have become unclean because of a dead body, but why should we be kept from presenting the Lord’s offering with the other Israelites at the appointed time?”


8: Moses answered them, “Wait until I find out what the Lord commands concerning you.”


9: Then the Lord said to Moses,


10: “Tell the Israelites: ‘When any of you or your descendants are unclean because of a dead body or are away on a journey, they are still to celebrate the Lord’s Passover,


11: but they are to do it on the fourteenth day of the second month at twilight. They are to eat the lamb, together with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.


12: They must not leave any of it till morning or break any of its bones. When they celebrate the Passover, they must follow all the regulations.


13: But if anyone who is ceremonially clean and not on a journey fails to celebrate the Passover, they must be cut off from their people for not presenting the Lord’s offering at the appointed time. They will bear the consequences of their sin.


14: “‘A foreigner residing among you is also to celebrate the Lord’s Passover in accordance with its rules and regulations. You must have the same regulations for both the foreigner and the native-born.’”


(New International Version Holy Bible)




Today's passage focuses on keeping the Passover holy (vs 1-5), enquiry about those ceremonially unfit (vs 6-8), those who have the legitimate permission to delay and punishment for those who deliberately chose not to (vs 9-13) as well as the rights of the alien to take part (vs.13).


The first Passover took place in Egypt (Exodus 12). A year after, the second Passover took place at Mount Sinai. We do not hear about Passover again until in the Promised Land because of the rebellion of the Israelites (Joshua 5:12).


The Passover was a clear picture of what the reality in Jesus should be (the Passover Lamb). Read verse 12 to understand why Jesus' bones were not broken on the cross as the two thieves' (1Cor. 5:7, John 1:29, 19:36).


QUESTION: What excites you after knowing that Jesus' death was in place of the Passover Lamb?


PRAYER: Father, my joy has no limit knowing that the Passover in Exodus had its fulfilment in Christ. Teach me each day to reflect on the victory You had for my sake. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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