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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Hours Of Reflection On Our Daily Devotions


TEXT: Psalm 80:1-19



Realizing how bad the conditions of things are becoming, a child of God has nowhere to run but hold firm unto God for His salvation.


We know how our country has failed God by contributing to sending many to their early graves. Think of the way some of us are taking advantage of the less privileged, using different evil means.


The Gospel that we took over from our Christian parents no longer seems relevant and powerful enough to protect us. We are being laughed at and mocked by the enemies of the Gospel.


The blessing of the land and its produce that are ours are being taken away by intruders. We desire that You restore us back to Yourself, Oh Lord, and return to us. Revive us, So that we can turn back to You, Lord.


QUESTION: Why must we cry to God for deliverance and restoration?


PRAYER: Father, we have failed You in so many Ways. We are not representing You well. Please forgive and give us the boldness to share our faith with others so that they may also see Your light. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

Happy New Month! September

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