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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Guide My Steps O Lord With Your Daily Devotions


TEXT: Exodus 1:15-22

15: The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah,


16: “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.”


17: The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.


18: Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?”


19: The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.”


20: So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous.


21: And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.


22: Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: “Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live.”


(New International Version Holy Bible)



Our lives are made up of different experiences. There are moments when we find it very difficult to live by our convictions due to the pressures or expectations of life.


Sometimes Christians compromise their faith for momentary pleasures that appeal to their senses which end up working against God's plans for their lives.


Today's passage shows the strategies of Pharaoh who didn't know what Joseph did to assist the Egyptians when they faced calamities.


He used midwives in his evil plans to end the lives of male children of Israel. He felt that this would weaken the people of God and help him subdue them. But the Lord protected His children from the antics of Pharaoh and fulfilled the plans He had for them.


As you go out today, trust the same God who never sleeps nor slumber to protect you from every evil plan of the enemy.


QUESTION: In what ways has the Lord protected you from your enemies?


PRAYER: Oh Lord, I know You as a God whose love is beyond measure, please protect me as I continue to live in this evil world. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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