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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Daily Manna As Our Daily Spiritual Food


TEXT: Psalms 67:1-7

1. God, show mercy to us and bless us. Please accept us! Selah

2. Let everyone on earth learn about you. Let every nation see how you save people.

3. May people praise you, God! May all people praise you.

4. May all nations rejoice and be happy because you judge people fairly. You rule over every nation.

5. May the people praise you, God! May all people praise you.

6. God, our God, bless us. Let our land give us a great harvest.

7. May God bless us, and may all people on earth fear and respect him.

(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)


Every human being, irrespective of religious belief, social and economic status, especially in Africa, recognizes the presence of a divine authority that blesses mankind.

However, only the God of the Holy Bible is gracious and merciful. He gives human beings what they cannot pay for and blesses them beyond what they deserve.

The Psalmist portrays this clearly in today’s in his opening plea that God should be “gracious to us and blesses us and make His face shine on us.”

The expression of God’s grace will be visible in three areas as deduced from the six verses: first, the grace of God will certainly cause all the nations to know His ways and experience His salvation.

Secondly, God’s grace will elicit a series of praises and worship and acknowledge the glory and majesty of God.

Third, people will prosper through the works of their hands and by this demonstrate that God is the giver of all good things, whether food or wealth.

Going through these verses should remind the reader that unless the Lord Himself blesses us, our toil and struggles in life are futile.

QUESTION: Do you feel that everything you possess is exclusively through your personal strength?

PRAYER: Thank You, dear Lord Jesus Christ, for without Your grace and mercy, I will be nothing. Help me to live every day with that thought in mind. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023. Happy New Month, April 1, 2023.

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