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Sunday, April 2, 2023

Be A Devoted Christian By Reading Our Daily Devotions


TEXT: Psalms 70:1-5

1. Please, God, rescue me! LORD, hurry and help me!

2. People are trying to kill me. Please disappoint them. Humiliate them! They want to hurt me. Make them run away in shame.

3. May those who make fun of me be too embarrassed to speak.

4. But may those who come to you be happy and rejoice. May those who love being saved by you always be able to say, “Praise God!”

5. I am only a poor, helpless man. God, please hurry to me. You are my helper, the one who can save me. LORD, don’t be too late!

(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)


We live in an age and time considered as the most difficult and trying. For Africans especially, human life has become valueless in the light of the current terrorism that is ravaging some West African countries.

The opening verse depicts a writer in a desperate situation, pleading for immediate help from a potential threat to his life as noted in verse 2. Such a situation has been replicated thousands of times in the last ten years across the West African sub-region in the lives of the countless victims of terrorists’ attacks, kidnappers, Islamist fundamentalists, etc.

Perhaps this Psalm may be addressing you as a victim-survivor. We often confront God with questions demanding to understand why He always allows His children to undergo such pain and torture, sometimes even death!

But the Psalmist trusts that God will come to his rescue. He prayed that those who persecute him should be confused and put to shame. It is often amazing to see our people continually fixing their hearts on God in spite of the torture and pain they are going through.

It takes someone who knows Jesus Christ and believes that God is in charge to have such courage which will make them prevail ultimately.

QUESTION: Have you been in a desperate circumstances that looked like God was not responding to your prayers for deliverance?

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, deliver us from the evil plans of our enemies and give us reasons to always praise You at all times. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023. Happy Palm Sunday!

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