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Monday, September 23, 2024

Nurturing Faith: Daily Scriptural Insights



TEXT: 1 Chronicles 22:2-16




King David had the foresight to pave the way for his successor to build God's temple without worrying about whether or not the credit would go to him.


But today, some leaders would not do certain things when they know that the credit would not go to them, even if that would improve the work of their successor or organisation.


King David used his vast experience to make adequate preparations for future development since Solomon was inexperienced.


David gave him wise and fatherly counsel, wished him well and encouraged him to build the temple without fear.


Most leaders today would do everything possible to make the work of their successors uncomfortable so that they do not succeed.


QUESTION: What kinds of arrangements, strategies, etc have you put in place for your successor to succeed without taking credit for it?


PRAYER: O Lord, help me to do away with envy, jealousy and strife and synergize with my successor to succeed for the sake of God's Kingdom, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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