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Monday, February 27, 2023

Stay Tuned Early In The Morning With Our Daily Devotions


TEXT: Revelation 11:15-17

15. At the sound of the seventh trumpet, loud voices were heard in heaven. They said, “Now the kingdom of this world belongs to our Lord and to his Chosen One! And he will rule forever and ever!”

16. Then the 24 elders, who were seated on thrones in God’s presence, knelt down and worshipped him.

17. They said, “Lord God All-Powerful, you are and you were, and we thank you. You used your great power and started ruling.”

(Contemporary English Version Holy Bible)


The activities of this heavenly scene are very instructive. The seventh Angel symbolizing perfection or completeness sounds his trumpet. A verdict is immediately passed that collapses the kingdom of men into the kingdom of the Lord and His Christ.

This is somewhat the translation of imperfection into perfection. With this act completed, the entire atmosphere switches to one of worship as the twenty-four elders leave their thrones and fall facedown before the Throne! They burst into a song that affirms the Sovereignty and Infiniteness of Yahweh who reigns forever and ever, world without end!

What this presupposes is that this world and all that it offers, is gradually winding down. The threats of those who think they can do and undo are gradually winding down.

Soon the Kingdom of Him who reigns forever will be established. Soon we will stand in audience alongside the twenty-four elders in the presence of Him who matters. And then every matter will become immaterial.

Until then, occupy! Until then, live right! Until then, let the voice of the gospel vibrate once more! Amen!

QUESTION: Are you ready?

PRAYER: How much longer, Lord? How much longer? I long to come home!


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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