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Friday, January 6, 2023

Study Daily Our Daily Devotions


TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 3:14, 4:5

1 Timothy 3:14 - I hope to visit you soon, but just in case I’m delayed, I’m writing this letter so.

1 Timothy 4:5 - God’s Word and our prayers make every item in creation holy.

(The Message Version Holy Bible)


Paul, in today's passage, begins by stating that Christ's coming, death, resurrection and our faith in Him the risen Lord, remain the secrets of our lives as believers. These are so critical because we are living in the end times in which, as prophesied, false doctrines are spreading like wild fire. The false doctrines Paul first mentioned had Judaist origins.

But Paul warned that the present end times we are experiencing would be characterized by false doctrines which originate from and are propagated by demons.

Clearly, no one can boast that he can be above any such demonic deception. Therefore, all of us need to remain closely and totally dependent on God, through His Holy Spirit, to lead us in victory over such demonic forces of evil.

We also have the responsibility not only to teach people the truth, but to expose these false doctrines so that people would not be led astray from the Lord and His truth.

QUESTION: Are you a victor over or victim of false doctrines?

PRAYER: Oh God, grant me victory over false doctrines propagated by demonic forces of evil, in Jesus name. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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