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Saturday, December 10, 2022

Free Daily Manna


TEXT: Revelation 7:9-17

9. I looked again. I saw a huge crowd, too huge to count. Everyone was there – all nations and tribes, all races and languages. And they were standing, dressed in white robes and waving palm branches, standing before the Throne and the Lamb

10. and heartily singing: Salvation to our God on his Throne! Salvation to the Lamb!

11. All who were standing around the Throne – Angels, Elders, Animals – fell on their faces before the Throne and worshiped God,

12. singing: Oh, Yes! The blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving, The honor and power and strength, To our God forever and ever and ever! Oh, Yes!

13. Just then one of the Elders addressed me: “Who are these dressed in white robes, and where did they come from?”

14. Taken aback, I said, “O Sir, I have no idea – but you must know.”

15. That’s why they’re standing before God’s Throne. They serve him day and night in his Temple. The One on the Throne will pitch his tent there for them:

16. no more hunger, no more thirst, no more scorching heat.

17. The Lamb on the Throne will shepherd them, will lead them to spring waters of Life. And God will wipe every last tear from their eyes.

(The Message Version Holy Bible)


In pronouncing the blessings of the persecuted, Jesus noted that “theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:11-12). It is stated that they would be persecuted for their desire for and practice of righteousness.

Therefore, the vision in Revelation 7:9-17 confirms the words of Christ in Matthew 5:11-12. The vision shows saints from different nations, which means that the gentiles would share in the kingdom with the Jews as already reflected in Revelation 7:1-7. By God’s grace, I am included in the family of God, though I’m a Gentile.

However, every believer must endure the hardship and severe persecution we are going through, especially in Nigeria and most Islamic countries. The day of our celebration is coming soon. All the earthly persecution, humiliation and pain will disappear. Glory be to our Lord. Indeed, we are saved forever.

QUESTION: Are you sure that you are going to be in the kingdom with Christ?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to endure this earthly persecution so as to enjoy the gathering of the saints before You on that great, blessed, day, in Jesus name, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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