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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Early Morning devotion ECWA Food for the Day


TEXT: Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1-12

Isaiah 52:13-15

13. The Lord says, “Look, my servant will succeed in what he has to do, and he will be raised to a position of high honor.

14. It is true that many were shocked when they saw him. He was beaten so badly that he no longer looked like a man.

15. But it is true that many nations will be amazed at him. Kings will look at him and be unable to speak. They will see what they had never been told. They will understand what they had never heard.”

Isaiah 53:1-12

1. Who really believed what we heard? Who saw in it the LORD’S great power?

2. He was always close to the Lord. He grew up like a young plant, like a root growing in dry ground. There was nothing special or impressive about the way he looked, nothing we could see that would cause us to like him.

3. People made fun of him, and even his friends left him. He was a man who suffered a lot of pain and sickness. We treated him like someone of no importance, like someone people will not even look at but turn away from in disgust.

4. The fact is, it was our suffering he took on himself; he bore our pain. But we thought that God was punishing him, that God was beating him for something he did.

5. But he was being punished for what he did. He was crushed because of our guilt. He took the punishment we deserved, and this brought us peace. We were healed because of his pain.

6. We had all wandered away like sheep. We had gone our own way. And yet the LORD put all our guilt on him.

7. He was treated badly, but he never protested. He said nothing, like a lamb being led away by force and judged unfairly. The people of his time did not even notice that he was killed. He was like a sheep that makes no sound as its wool is being cut off. He never opened his mouth to defend himself.

8. He was taken away by force and judged unfairly. The people of his time did not even notice that he was killed. But he was put to death for the sins of his people.

9. He had done no wrong to anyone. He had never even told a lie. But he was buried among the wicked. His tomb was with the rich.

10. But the LORD was pleased with this humble servant who suffered such pain. Even after giving himself as an offering for sin, he will see his descendants and enjoy a long life. He will succeed in doing what the LORD wanted.

11. After his suffering he will see the light, and he will be satisfied with what he experienced.

12. For this reason, I will treat him as one of my great people. I will give him the rewards of one who wins in battle, and he will share them with his powerful ones. I will do this because he gave his life for the people. He was considered a criminal, but the truth is, he carried away the sins of many. Now he will stand before me and speak for those who have sinned.

(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)


An athlete trains day and night to keep fit. He or she goes through pains, harsh weather and unfavourable conditions while training in order to attain victory.

Today’s text is about glory after pain. The servant (vs. 13-15) will go through humiliation and appalling situations but will be ultimately glorified. This calls for patience in time of pain. Chapter 54:1-5 of Isaiah shows us how shameful it is for a woman to be barren, especially in Africa where children matter so much.

However, God has the power to make the barren woman fruitful. During your period of pain, God may seem far away from you (Israel) but He will still call you (Israel) His own the way a husband calls to his young wife (vs. 6-9) in spite of her sin. Note that, at the moment of separation, God still restores and forgives if there is repentance.

So, no matter how difficult and tough the situation may be, God is able to turn around the situation for you (Israel) to smile again.

QUESTION: Are you losing patience at the expense of your glorification because you are living in pain, shame and humiliation?

PRAYER: Oh Lord, help me to have patience in You even when I am going through difficult times. Help me to trust You, knowing that my glorification is coming, in Christ’s name, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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