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Sunday, October 16, 2022

ECWA Short Daily Devotion for Monday


TEXT: Esther 8:1-8, 13-17

1. On that same day King Xerxes gave the property of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Queen Esther. Then Mordecai was brought before the king, for Esther had told the king how they were related.

2. The king took off his signet ring-which he had taken back from Haman-and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther appointed Mordecai to be in charge of Haman’s property.

3. Then Esther went again before the king, falling down at his feet and begging him with tears to stop the evil plot devised by Haman the Agagite against the Jews.

4. Again the king held out the gold scepter to Esther. So she rose and stood before him.

5. Esther said, “If it please the king, and if I have found favor with him, and if he thinks it is right, and if I am pleasing to him, let there be a decree that reverses the orders of Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, who ordered that Jews throughout all the king’s provinces should be destroyed.

6. For how can I endure to see my people and my family slaughtered and destroyed?”

7. Then King Xerxes said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, “I have given Esther the property of Haman, and he has been impaled on a pole because he tried to destroy the Jews.

8. Now go ahead and send a message to the Jews in the king’s name, telling them whatever you want, and seal it with the king’s signet ring. But remember that whatever has already been written in the king’s name and sealed with his signet ring can never be revoked.”

13.  A copy of this decree was to be issued as law in every province and proclaimed to all peoples, so that the Jews would be ready to take revenge on their enemies on the appointed day.

14. So urged on by the king’s command, the messengers rode out swiftly on fast horses bred for the king’s service. The same decree was also proclaimed in the fortress of Susa.

15. Then Mordecai left the king’s presence, wearing the royal robe of blue and white, the great crown of gold, and an outer cloak of fine linen and purple. And the people of Susa celebrated the new decree.

16. The Jews were filled with joy and gladness and were honored everywhere.

17. In every province and city, wherever the king’s decree arrived, the Jews rejoiced and had a great celebration and declared a public festival and holiday. And many of the people of the land became Jews themselves, for they feared what the Jews might do to them.

(New Living Translation Holy Bible)


Esther summoned courage and approached the king with a bolder request. This time around, she requested for a law cancelling Haman’s wicked law that permitted the extermination of the Jews throughout the Empire.

The Law of Medes and Persia cannot be revoked, but it can be countered by another law. Esther revealed her relationship with Mordecai to the king and he did not seem surprised. He was only concerned about protection his wife and her people.

Mordecai was later crowned prime minister to the king by “wearing royal garments of blue and white, a large crown of gold and a purple robe of fine linen” (v. 15).

This opened the door for the liberation of the Jews. It clearly shows that when God is with you, even when you pass through the valley of the shadow of death, your destiny cannot be cut. We must live our lives under His divine direction and in accordance with the covenant relationship that we have in Jesus Christ.

QUESTION: Who is on your side?

PRAYER: Oh Lord, I give all my life to You and I commit to serve Your purpose, irrespective of whether I get the promotion I desire or not, Amen.

Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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