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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Our Divine Grace Daily Devotional


TEXT: 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

26. So, brothers and sisters what should you do? When you meet together, one person has a song, another has a teaching, and another has a new truth from God. One person speaks in a different language, and another interprets that language. The purpose of whatever you do should be to help everyone grow stronger in faith.

27. When you meet together, if anyone speaks to the group in a different language, it should be only two or no more than three people who do this. And they should speak one after the other. And someone else should interpret what they say.

28. But if there is no interpreter, then anyone who speaks in a different language should be quiet in the church meeting. They should speak only to themselves and to God.

29. And only two or three prophets should speak. The others should judge what they say.

30. And if a message from God comes to someone who is sitting, the first speaker should be quiet.

31. You can all prophesy one after the other. This way everyone can be taught and encouraged.

32. The spirits of prophets are under the control of the prophets themselves.

33. God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace. This is the rule for all the meetings of God’s people.

34. The women should keep quiet in these church meetings. They are not allowed to speak out but should be under authority, as the Law of Moses says.

35. If there is something they want to know, they should ask their own husbands at home. It is shameful for a woman to speak up like that in the church meeting.

36. God’s teaching did not come from you, and you are not the ones who have received it.

37. If you think you are a prophet or that you are have a spiritual gift, you should understand that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command.

38. If you do not accept this, you will not be accepted.

39. So my brothers and sisters, continue to give your attention to prophesying. And don’t stop anyone from using the gift of speaking in different languages.

40. But everything should be done in a way that is right and orderly.

(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)


There must have been lots of rowdiness during public worship in the Corinthian church. As a result, Apostle Paul had to devote about four chapters to dealing with disorderliness. It is also pertinent to say that this rowdiness was in the display of the spiritual gifts that were meant to edify the church.

Rules for the use of spiritual gifts were now set. These rules are very useful for today’s Church. Read vs. 26-33 and note the following: v. 26: “Things must be done orderly for edification.” There was considerable freedom in the way people worshipped in public.

There was no order of worship and so, if someone felt he was moved by the Holy Spirit, he would jump up and begin to speak. If another felt moved with hymns, he would jump up and sing.

So, confusion and noise filled the air during worship. Then Paul asked, “How is it then, brethren…? (v. 26). Let people speak in turns followed by interpretation and if no interpreter, keep silent in church or speak to yourself and God” (vs. 27-32).

The same experience is manifested in a public worship where members are encouraged to spend time in speaking in tongues without anyone interpreting. This is the disorderliness corrected by Apostle Paul reference to the extreme freedom of women that was checked (vs. 34-40).

He concluded by saying, “The things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord. Let all things be done decently and in order.”

QUESTION: How orderly is public worship in your assembly?

PRAYER: Let our worship be decent and orderly to be acceptable before You, O Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.

Remain Blessed                                 

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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