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Saturday, April 2, 2022



TEXT: Isaiah 1:10-20

10. You officers of Sodom, listen to the LORD’S message. You people of Gomorrah, listen to God’s teaching.

11. The LORD says, “Why do you continue giving me all these sacrifices? I have had enough of your sacrifices of rams and the fat from well-fed animals. I don’t want the blood of those bulls, sheep, and goats.

12. When you people come to meet with me, you trample everything in my yard. Who told you to do this?

13. “Don’t keep bringing me those worthless sacrifices. I hate the incense you give me. I cannot stand your festivals for the New Moon, the Sabbath, and other special meeting days. I hate the evil you do during those holy times together.

14. I hate your monthly meetings and councils. They have become like heavy weights to me, and I am tired of carrying them.

15. “When you raise your arms to pray to me, I will refuse to look at you. You will say more and more prayers, but I will refuse to listen because your hands are covered with blood.

16. “Wash yourselves and make yourselves clean. Stop doing the evil things I see you do. Stop doing wrong.

17. Learn to do good. Treat people fairly. Punish those who hurt others. Speak up for the windows and orphans. Argue their cases for them in court.

18. “I, the LORD, am the one speaking to you. Come, let’s discuss this. Even if your sins are a dark as red dye, that stain can be removed and you will be as pure as wool that is as white as snow.

19. “If you listen to what I say, you will get the good things from this land.

20. But if you refuse to listen and rebel against me, your enemies will destroy you.”

(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)


Instead of listening to and obeying the Word of the Lord, the Israelites were looking for a shortcut to God. They were making sacrifices, giving gifts and offerings, engaging in fasting and pious meeting and covering their hands with the blood of innocent victims.

God told them to repent and give up their evil ways, do good, seek justice and help the oppressed. God made it clear to them that their lives would only be meaningful and acceptable if they truly abandon their sins and come to Him.

God is not interested in shortcuts. To be accepted, you need to come directly to Him in simple obedience and He will give you a life that is worth living.

QUESTION: Do you know that your sacrifices, offerings and gifts to the Lord without complete obedience to Him are complete wastes?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, help me to focus my attention on You and not embark on evil ways or take shortcuts, in Jesus name, Amen.

Remain Blessed                                 

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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