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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Words of Wisdom: Daily Scriptural Encouragement

FRIDAY, 19 JULY 2024


TEXT: NUMBERS 14:26-45




Grumbling has become an integral part of the Christian life today. People don't seem to see the things that God is doing. They prefer to see the things that He is not doing for them. Hence, they continue to grumble.


They grumble when they feel that others are doing better than them; they grumble when they feel that people are doing what they feel should not be done; they grumble, they grumble and grumble.


God is not happy with grumblers. Infact, grumbling angers Him and makes Him show 'His other side'.


When God spoke to Moses and Aaron in today's passage, He told them that those who had grumbled would die in the wilderness.


We should therefore desist from the attitude of grumbling and appreciate whatever God does for us. Then, we will enjoy His blessings.


QUESTION: Do you grumble when things seem to be working against you?


PRAYER: Help me, dear Lord, to appreciate You in whatever situation I find myself because Your love for my life is beyond my knowledge of You, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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