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Monday, June 24, 2024

Walking with Jesus: Daily Insights and Encouragement

MONDAY, 24 JUNE 2024


TEXT: 3 John 1-14




Verse 2 of the text has been misinterpreted many times as a prayer for material and financial prosperity. But the real context is that since Gaius is reputed to be walking in the truth and is a faithful and obedient disciple, it is only proper to pray that he continues to grow and progress in this way so that it also affects his physical well-being.


The most important prosperity any believer should seek is growth and maturity in faith. This way, Gaius became the true model of a believer who lives by the truth and demonstrates the same through love for others. But Diotrephes was presented as the opposite of what a true believer should be, as he was consumed by envy and a desire to promote himself.


Verse 11 encourages us to imbibe goodness and avoid evil. Therefore, choose to be a good model because people are looking up to you.


QUESTION: As a child of God, what kind of example does your life portray regarding the true and genuine love of God?


PRAYER:  Help me, dear Lord, to follow the truth and demonstrate it through love for the brethren and unbelievers You bring my way, in Jesus name. Amen.


Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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