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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sacred Space: Daily Moments of Reflection and Connection



TEXT: Proverbs 24:1-12


1: Do not envy the wicked, do not try to be with them.


2: All their thoughts are evil, every time they open their mouth they cheat someone.


3: Houses are built on the foundation of wisdom and understanding.


4: By the knowledge on my friend's rooms and beautiful properties.


5: Wise is strong, yes, knowledge is strong.


6: Apart from this, you must be ready in silence before you start a battle. Based on the advice you get you will succeed.


7: Wise words make the fools deep understanding, he doesn't mean when talking about important things.


8: If you are always planning evil, you will make a name on the lane of violence.


9: Any strategy a fool thinks against itself is a sin. People hate a disrespectful person.


10: If you are weak in the time of violence, you are truly weak.


11: Don't feel the burden of saving someone who is being withdrawn to the place of death.


12: You may say you are not concerned, but God knows, He is always measuring your plans. He is watching over you, how do you know. He always pays people for what they do.


(New International Version Holy Bible)




Building a house is more important than building buildings seen. That's why it requires wisdom and understanding. Bible teachings about wisdom are related to seeking God for His leadership and choosing to live according to what you received from Him.


Home, is a place where people dwell in a relationship with God being glorified and heard from Him. Home is a place where life is built and empowered to live a God-like life. This includes the same understanding that comes from God and knowledge of God's ways as taught in the Bible.


The quality of a community or a nation can only be identified from what started from home which created a community. There's not so much something precious about home, it's the kind of children we raise through God and walk in faith in Jesus Christ.


QUESTION: Whether a child or a parent, how would you describe the house you grew up in or the one you are building now?


PRAYER: Based on your type of answer to the question based, talk to our Father in heaven to help you build a wise house like God.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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