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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Faith Over Fear: Devotional Encouragement



TEXT: Romans 6:15-23





Someone might misunderstand the place of grace in the life of the believer and conclude that since we do not have anything to contribute to our salvation, it will be normal to continue in sin. So Paul declared that, that is not correct at all.


He used the analogy of the slave-master relationship, a concept they understood better than the 21st Century believer, to make this point.


The idea is that since we have now accepted Jesus Christ as Our Saviour, it is only appropriate that we surrender to His instructions as a slave does to his or her master  because believers "have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness" (vs 18). The life each of us lives depicts who rules and controls our lives.


It's sad to see the lives of members of the church who claim to be followers of Christ being controlled by sin and rebellion against God.


QUESTION: Does your life corroborate the faith you profess in Christ?


PRAYER: Spend time in more prayers and allow your response to the above question guide what you say to God.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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