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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Beyond the Horizon: Daily Devotions for Hopeful Souls



TEXT: Zephaniah 1:1-13


1. The word of the Lord that came to Zephaniah the son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah.


2. “I will utterly sweep away everything from the face of the earth,” declares the Lord.


3. “I will sweep away man and beast; I will sweep away the birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea, and the rubble with the wicked. I will cut off mankind from the face of the earth,” declares the Lord.


4. “I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against al the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off from this place the remnant of Baal and the name of the idolatrous priests along with the priests,


5. those who bow down on the roofs to the host of the heavens, those who bow down and swear to the Lord and yet swear by Milcom,


6. those who have turned back from following the Lord, who do not seek the Lord or inquire of him.”


7. Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is near; the Lord has prepared a sacrificed and consecrated his guests.


8. And on the day of the Lord’s sacrifice – “I will punish the officials and the king’s sons and all who array themselves in foreign attire.


9. On that day I will punish everyone who leaps over the threshold, and those who fill their master’s house with violence and fraud.


10. “On that day,” declares the Lord, “a cry will be heard from the Fish Gate, a wail from the second Quarter, a loud crash from the hills.


11. Wail, O inhabitants of the Mortar! For all the traders are no more; all who weigh out silver are cut off.


12. At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are complacent, those who say in their hearts, ‘The Lord will not do good, nor will he do ill.’


13. Their goods shall be plundered, and their house laid waste. Though they build houses, they shall not inhabit them; though they plant vineyards, they shall not drink wine from them.”


(English Standard Version Holy Bible)




Whenever God’s children are being persecuted, there is the tendency for them to compromise their faith in God. God did not overlook those compromises as He sent Zephaniah to warn Judah and Jerusalem.

The judgement will be so severe that nature shall also be affected. That goes to affirm that although our leaders may be so corrupt as to demand us to worship them, we shouldn’t allow anybody occupy the first place in our lives.

Just as God’s children had allowed worshipping Baal and idolatrous priests to take the place of God, many others had compromised their faith through political affiliations, selling their conscience for money, food and positions and greed.

In the midst of all these, God will not forget those who faithfully take their stand against the evil in the land as He will set them apart on judgement day.


QUESTION: What sins are you struggling with in your life?


PRAYER: Dear Lord, hold my hand in the midst of my pain and persecution that I may not abandon my faith, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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