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Monday, January 29, 2024

Kingdom Living: Daily Devotions for Christ-Centered Life



TEXT: Luke 9:37-48




We read about the mountain top experience of the disciples with the Lord Jesus yesterday. But we cannot remain on the glorious mountain top for ever.


There are battles to be fought in the valleys with the enemy. Satan always comes to steal, kill and destroy. The first thing he steals is our happiness and if, possible, our joy.


There is no way this man with his only son in such a situation could be happy. Only the joy of the Lord would sustain him.


We are sometimes paralysed, powerless and suffer unnecessarily for lack of faith and prayer. God expects those who know Him to live by faith. The just shall live by faith!


We also need to be prayerful always and fast as led by the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus has given us the authority in His name and the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out demons and set the captives free.


As we do these, we should avoid the terrible sin of self and the pride of life, which were at work in the disciples.


QUESTION: Are you setting the captives free from bondage to sinful flesh and Satan?


PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the authority and please fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit to set the captives free from sinful flesh and Satan, in Jesus name. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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