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Sunday, November 13, 2022

What Does Daily Devotion Mean?

Another name for Daily Devotion is daily encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ on daily basis through reading the Scriptures and praying early in the morning before going out. That mean, we urge to do our daily devotion immediately we wake up from our bed to show God appreciation for showing us another beautiful morning by His grace and not by our power but His.

In everything, God deserve the praise and worship for what He has been doing in our lives and what He will still do. That's why it is very important for believers in Christ to take their daily devotions seriously. Keep following our blog as we keep giving out our daily devotions in other we should grow together and rapturable.


TEXT: Isaiah 48:9-22

9. But out of the sheer goodness of my heart, because of what I am, I keep a tight rein on my anger and hold my temper. I don’t wash my hands of you.

10. Do you see what I’ve done? I’ve refined you, but not without fire. I’ve tested you like silver in the furnace of affliction.

11. Out of myself, simply because of who I am, I do what I do. I have my reputation to keep up. I’m not playing second fiddle to either gods or people.

12. “Listen, Jacob. Listen, Israel – I’m the One who name you! I’m the One. I got things started and, yes, I’ll wrap them up.

13. Earth is my work, handmade. And the skies – I made them too, horizon to horizon. When I speak, they’re on their feet, at attention.

14. “Come everybody, gather around, listen: Who among the gods has delivered the news? I, God, love this man Cyrus, and I’m using him to do what I want with Babylon.

15. I, yes I, have spoken. I’ve called him. I’ve brought him here. He’ll be successful.

16. Come close, listen carefully: I’ve never kept secrets from you. I’ve always been present with you.” Your Progeny, Like Grains of Sand And now, the Master, God, sends me and his Spirit

17. with this Message from God, your Redeemer, The Holy of Israel: I’m God, your God, who teaches you how to live right and well. I show you what to do, where to go.

18. If you had listened all along to what I told you, your life would have flowed full like a river, blessings rolling in like waves from the sea.

19. Children and grandchildren are like sand, your progeny like grains of sand. There would be no end of them, no danger of losing touch with me.”

20. Get out of Babylon! Run from the Babylonians! Shout the news. Broadcast it. Let the world know, the whole world. Tell them, “God redeemed his dear servant Jacob!”

21. They weren’t thirsty when he led them through the deserts. He made water pour out of the rock; he split the rock and the water gushed.

22. “There is no peace,” says God, “for the wicked.”

(The Message Version Holy Bible)


Because God is in charge of the universe, He can use any tool in His hands to correct and direct His people.

In today’s reading, God uses affliction to correct the lives of the Israelites. But because God was involved, He delayed his judgment on His people.

So, for the love God has for His people (us), He never allows complicated and difficult situations to destroy us. Yet He allows and uses the ‘furnace of affliction’ to test his people (vs. 9-11) in order for us to come out refined (cf. Romans 5:3; James 1:2-4).

Therefore, we should not continue to complain, rather, we should look up to God in faith, be patient and ask for the strength to endure the tough situations which will bring out the best in us.

God showed the Israelites that it is possible to rejoice in affliction when you but pay attention to God’s instructions.

QUESTION: Have you lost your patience instead of holding on to Jesus Christ for strength to be able to go through the complicated situation?

PRAYER: Lord God, please help me to focus on You, I repent from my sins and hold on to You for strength, even in my most difficult moments, in Christ’s name, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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