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Thursday, November 17, 2022

ECWA Daily Manna Also Means Daily Devotion


TEXT: Isaiah 51:1-11

1. If you want to do right and obey the LORD, follow Abraham’s example. He was the rock from which you were chipped.

2. God chose Abraham and Sarah to be your ancestors. The LORD blessed Abraham, and from that one man came many descendants.

3. Though Zion is in ruins, the LORD will bring comfort, and the city will be as lovely as the garden of Eden that he provided. Then Zion will celebrate; it will be thankful and sing joyful songs.

4. The LORD says: you are my people and nation! So pay attention to me. My teaching will cause justice to shine like a light for every nation.

5. Those who live across the sea are eagerly waiting for me to rescue them. I am strong and ready; soon I will come to save and to rule all nations.

6. Look closely at the sky! Stare at the earth. The sky will vanish like smoke; the earth will wear out like clothes. Everyone on this earth will die like flies. But my victory will last; my saving power never ends.

7. If you want to do right and obey my teaching with all your heart, then pay close attention. Don’t be discouraged when others insult you and say hurtful things.

8. They will be eaten away like a moth-eaten coat. But my victory will last; my saving power will never end.

9. Wake up! Do something, LORD. Be strong and ready. Wake up! Do what you did for our people long ago. Didn’t you chop up Rahab the monster?

10. Didn’t you dry up the deep sea and make a road for your people to follow safely across?

11. Now those you have rescued will return to Jerusalem, singing on their way. They will be crowned with great happiness, never again to be burdened with sadness and sorrow.

(Contemporary English Version Holy Bible)


‘Blessed’ connotes ‘praise, happiness’ or a situation in which someone is fortunate. In fact, it also means favour and happiness or the life of someone who enjoys unending deliverance and pleasure.

In Isaiah chapters 49:14-26 and 50:1-11, the Israelites think that God had forgotten them and was no longer willing to save them from their oppressors (the Babylonians). God’s children should remember the blessings He promised them once they looked up to Him for help just as Abraham listened and trusted God against all odds (vs. 1-3).

God reminded Israel about how He performed great miracles in the past, like drying up the Red Sea (Exodus 14) and replacing their pains, difficulties and challenges with comfort and joy (vs. 9-11).

QUESTION: Do you feel that God has forgotten you and that blessedness, gladness and salvation are far from you?

PRAYER: Oh Lord, help me to always remember that You delivered me and that my present challenges cannot stop Your power and miracles in my life, in Christ’s name, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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