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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Free Daily Devotions ECWA Daily Manna


TEXT: 1 Chronicles 16:1-13

1. They brought the special box of God, and out it inside the tent David had set up for it. Then they gave burnt gifts and peace gifts to God.

2. When David finished giving the burnt gifts and peace gifts, he prayed in the name of the Lord that good would come to the people.

3. He gave to every man and woman in Israel a loaf of bread, a share of meat, and loaf of dried grapes.

4. David chose some of the Levites to do the work in front of the special box of the Lord. They were to be glad and thank and praise the Lord God of Israel.

5. Asaph was the leader, then Zechariah, Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, and Jeiel. They were to play harps. And Asaph played loud-sounding timbrels.

6. The religious leaders Benaiah and Jahaziel sounded the horns all the time in front of the special box with the Law of God.

7. Then on that day David first called upon Asaph and his brothers to give thanks to the Lord.

8. “O give thanks to the Lord. Call upon His name. let the people know what He has done.

9. Sing to Him. Sing praises to Him. Tell of all His great works.

10. Have joy in His holy name. Let the heart of those who look to the Lord be glad.

11. Look to the Lord and ask for His strength. Look to Him all the time.

12. Remember His great works which He has done. Remember the special things He has done and how He has judged,

13. o children of Israel His servant, sons of Jacob, His chosen ones!

(New Life Version Holy Bible)


We read in today’s passage how David successfully brought the Ark of God into the place he had prepared for it. Despite the death of Uzza and David’s fear, he corrected himself by following God’s directives.

Things of God must be done according to His commandments, especially worship. God’s seeming absence in our worship today could largely be due to the fact that we fail to follow God’s way of doing His bidding.

Uzza’s death, the mockery of Michal’s wife didn’t discourage him from carrying out his desire to honor God by bringing the Ark into Jerusalem. David’s joy knew no bound as he not only fed the people, he appointed a praise team and a well selected band and trumpeters to sing God’s praise for all of His blessings towards Israel (vs. 5-13).

QUESTION: How do you react to God’s instructions to serve Him foe success?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, let the Holy Spirit keep guiding me as I relate with God’s commandments, in Jesus name, Amen.

Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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