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Saturday, September 3, 2022

ECWA Daily Devotion and Food for the Day for Sunday September 4, 2022


TEXT: John 5:19-29

19. Jesus told the people: I tell you for certain the Son cannot do anything on his own. He can do only what he sees the Father doing, and he does exactly what he sees the Father do.

20. The Father loves the Son and has shown him everything he does. The Father will show him even greater things, and you will be amazed.

21. Just as the Father raises the dead and gives life, so the Son gives life to anyone he wants to.

22. The Father doesn’t judge anyone, but he has made his Son the judge of everyone.

23. The Father wants all people to honor the Son as much as they honor him. When anyone refuses to honor the Son, this is the same as refusing to honor the Father who sent him.

24. I tell you for certain that everyone who hears my message and has faith in the one who sent me has eternal life and will never be condemned. They have already gone from death to life.

25. I tell you for certain the time will come, and it is already here, when all of the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen to it will live!

26. The Father has the power to give life, and he has given that same power to the Son.

27. And he has given his Son the right to judge everyone, because he is the Son of Man.

28. Don’t be surprised! The time will come when all of the dead will hear the voice of the Son of Man,

29. and they will come out of their graves. Everyone who has done good things will rise to life, but everyone who has done evil things will rise and be condemned.

(Contemporary English Version Holy Bible)


Today’s passage is a profound revelation of Christ’s equality in authority and power with God. To the Jews, healing the invalid man and asking him to carry his bed and walk (John 5:7-10) was breaking the law.

Furthermore, His claim to the Son of God meant claiming equality with Him (read vs. 17-23).

Many unbelievers today still have the same problem the Jews had about the person of Jesus. God is working and Christ is doing the same. God gives life and Jesus gives life; God is ruler over all as the judge, Jesus has authority over the judicial process (vs. 22-23, 27).

All these affirm that all that God is, is fully represented in Christ for all things have been committed into His hands.

QUESTION: Do you still doubt the Person and the authority of Jesus in relation to God?

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, help me to know more about Jesus and His divine authority over all of creation and to stay close to Him all the days of my life, Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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