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Thursday, August 11, 2022

What is a Bible Quiz?

Bible quiz is the way of testing our knowledge in the Bible. Or is the way we challenges our fellow believer in Christ to know more or deep knowledge of the Bible by quoting and asking a question (s) in the Bible and probably providing an answer (s) or expecting an answer (s).

These are some of the Bible quiz and their answers some selected Bible verse to strengthen our knowledge in the Word of God. Hope you will find it interesting by God’s grace. Keep reading ahead as I go through some of them.

Grow Your Bible Knowledge With Questions And Answers

Reading Bible built our faith in what we believe in. When we read Scriptures, it encourages us to do more and it also teaches us of some events that has come and gone. Those events strengthen our trust and continue in believe that God still exist and is still doing the unthinkable and the impossible things.

Anything that our God cannot do, does not exist in the first place. It is God’s word that teaches us not to fear anything. But we should fear the Lord in all that we do.

note: All the Bible verses in this are read from New Revised Standard Version.

Also Read: What Bible Says About Fear and Anxiety?

It is also the Word of God that teaches us to trust in the Lord. In Jeremiah 17:7 says, “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.” New Revised Standard Version Holy Bible.

Imagine you have not read this portion of the Bible, who were you trusting all these while? Or let say you have not read the Bible verse that encourages not to fear anyone except God. If small thing happened to you, you will be shivering and fearful as someone without God. But the Bible tells that with God, we don’t need to fear anything. No wonder, Psalm 23:4 – Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and your staff- they comfort me. NRSV.

We also learned from the Scriptures in Genesis 15:6 – And he believed the Lord; and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness. NRSV. Also Peter believed the Lord; and he was called Peter the Rock and other blessings. Reading Scriptures makes us active and alive.

I encouraged us to keep reading the Scriptures for our own benefits because it teaches us how to live right with God and make our day in remembrance that we live by God’s grace and mercy and compassion.

We have some Bible verses here that encourages our deep knowledge into the Word of God. This challenges us to go deep into the Scriptures to know some events that have happened so that we should know that we are not alone in whatever is happening around us. Because God is aware and to know that the solution is with Christ through Him we are redeemed. Check the Bible quiz below.

1. Question: Who was the king that worms ate alive because of pride?

Answer: King Herod, Acts 12:20-23

2. Question: The Statement, “The kingdom of God suffered violence and only violence can take it by force.” Where it is found in the Bible?

Answer: Jesus speaking, Matthew 11:12

3. Question: What was Matthew profession before he has encounter with Jesus?

Answer: Tax collector, Matthew 9:9

4. Question: Who was the king that God turned him into eating grass like animal?

Answer: King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 4:24-34

5. Question: What are the fruit of the spirit?

Answer: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control. Galatians 5:22-23.

6. Question: What is the number of the beast?

Answer: 666, Revelation 13:18

7. Question: Who was the righteous king of Judah that surpassed all of those others kings before and after him?

Answer: King Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18:5

8. Question: What is the proverb, “Like mother, like daughter” derived from?

Answer: In the Bible, Ezekiel 16:44

9. Question: Who was the prophet that eat scroll?

Answer: Ezekiel, Ezekiel 3:3

10. Question: Don’t follow what is evil. Where is it found in the Bible?

Answer: In 3 John 1:11 which is 3 John verse 11 because it doesn’t have chapters.

11. Question: Who sacrificed Himself for our sins?

Answer: Jesus Christ, Hebrews 9:26-28

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12. Question: Who was the King that prayed and God added fifteen (15) years to his life?

Answer: King Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20:1-6; Isaiah 38:1-5

13. Question: As a servant of the Lord, do not involved in unfruitful arguments. Where it is written in the Bible?

Answer: In 2 Timothy 2:23-24

14. Question: Who is regarding as the first born from the dead?

Answer: Jesus, Colossians 1:8

15. Question: Where in the Bible is the name Clement found?

Answer: Philippians 4:3

16. Question: Who is Timothy’s grandmother and mother?

Answer: Lois grandmother and Eunice his mother, 2 Timothy 1:5

17. Question: Where in the Bible that is not good to eat animal or bird that died by itself?

Answer: Ezekiel 44:31

18. Question: Who is the father of Hosea?

Answer: Is Beeri, Hosea 1:1

19. Question: Who is the father of Joel?

Answer: Pethuel, Joel 1:1

20. Question: God’s grace: Be careful that no one fails to get God’s grace. Where can we find that verse?

Answer: Hebrews 12:15

Hope this questions and answers will strengthen our hope and confidence in our Savior Jesus Christ?

I prayed that theses verses will continue to show us the right part to follow. The Word of God is sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates into our marrow. So it is a joyful things to have encounter with the Lord through His Word. It gives us hope and reading it makes us to understand and believe what is written therein.

Lord, we give You the glory for given us the opportunity to be able to read Your Word. Give those that does not have the opportunity the grace to able to hear Your Word in different ways including online and onset, Amen.

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