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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Our Today Daily Devotional Wednesday, June 22, 2022


TEXT: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

1. Why do you go to court when you have something against another Christian? You are asking people who are Christians to judge who is guilty. You should go to those who belong to Christ and ask them.

2. Did you not know that those who belong to Christ will someday judge this world? If you judge the people of the world as guilty, are you not able to do this in small things?

3. Did you not know that we are to judge angels? So you should be able to take care of your problem here in this world without any trouble.

4. When you have things to decide about this life, why do you go to men in courts who are not even Christians?

5. You should be ashamed! Is it true that there is not one person wise enough in your church to decide who is right when people argue?

6. Instead, one Christian takes another Christian to court. And that court is made up of people who are not Christians!

7. This shows you are wrong when you have to go to court against each other. Would it not be better to let someone do something against you that is wrong? Would it not be better to let them rob you?

8. Instead, you rob and do wrong to other Christians.

9. Do you not know that sinful men will have no place in the holy nation of God? Do not be fooled. A person who does sex sins, or who worships false gods, or who is not faithful in marriage, or men who act like women, or people who do sex sins with their own sex, will have no place in the holy nation of God.

10. Also those who steal, or those who always want to get more of everything, or who get drunk, or who say bad things about others, or take things that are not theirs, will have no place in the holy nation of God.

11. Some of you were like that. But now your sins are washed away. You were set apart for God-like living to do His work. You were made right with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by the Spirit of our God.

(New Life Version Holy Bible)


It is not strange to see brethren having one dispute or the other. But is becomes a problem when the dispute is taken out of the church for settlement. Instead of taking disputes to the court where unbelievers preside, we should look for mature brethren who will ensure that they are settled amicably.

As believers, we occupy a special place in the heart of God and can, therefore, not afford to bring His name into dispute. The church leadership must rise up to this challenge by ensuring that there is no respect of persons or any sentiments when setting matters among brethren.

QUESTION: What do you do when a fellow brother offends you?

PRAYER: No matter the magnitude of the offence, help me, dear Lord, never to brood over it or go to court for settlement, in Jesus name, Amen.

Remain Blessed                                 

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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