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Saturday, April 9, 2022



TEXT: Isaiah 12:1-6

1. At that time you will say, “I thank you, LORD! You were angry with me, but you stopped being angry and gave me comfort.

2. I trust you to save me, LORD God, and I won’t be afraid. My power and my strength come from you, and you have save me,”

3. With great joy, you people will get water from the well of victory.

4. At that time you will say, “Our LORD, we are thankful, and we worship only you. We will tell the nations how glorious you are and what you have done.

5. Because of your wonderful deeds we will sing your praises everywhere on earth.”

6. Sing, people of Zion! Celebrate the greatness of the holy LORD of Israel. God is here to help you.

(Contemporary English Version Holy Bible)


Zigwai had been having broken relationships with men who promised to marry her. After ten years of frustration, her pastor counseled and prayed for her and she got married to a beloved brother.

Her sorrow turned to joy! Only Christ Jesus can give us songs of praise in place of our frustrations and sorrow. Do you know that God can fill your life with joy and make you sing hymns of praise from now?

Start honoring Him with your life by praising Him, expressing your attitude to Him and telling others about the Good News you have received.

QUESTION: DO you know that God is ready to change your situation and give you new songs of praise?

PRAYER: Father, please visit me today and help me honor You with songs of praise, in Jesus name, Amen.


Remain Blessed                                 

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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