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Friday, April 8, 2022

Bible challenges: How Far Have You Know Your Bible?

I want to use this article to challenge you to be up and doing in your reading and meditation of the Bible so that you can have in-depth knowledge of the Word of God.

Also Read: Questions And Answers In The Bible - Bible Quiz

I want to specially give you some events that has taking part in the Bible in the form of question and answers and the Bible book, chapter and the verse that such an event can be found. Here they are:

Question 1. How old was Noah in all before he died?

Answer: 950 years, Genesis 9:28

Question 2. Who became the mighty warrior and hunter on earth as recorded in the Bible?

Answer: Nimrod, Genesis 10:8-9

Question 3. Where did God scatter the language of man in the Bible?

Answer: In Babel, Genesis 11:5-9

Question 4. Who is the Father of Abram (Abraham)?

Answer: Terah, Genesis 11:27

Question 5. Who is Abram’s nephew?

Answer: Lot, Genesis 12:4-5

Question 6. What did Noah do before God promised not to destroy the earth again with water?

Answer: Noah offered sacrifice of every clean beast (Genesis 8:20-22).

Question 7. What is the first thing God created in Genesis account of creation?

Answer: the light, Genesis 1:3

Question 8. What was God’s instrument of creation?

Answer: The Word, He uses command and when He said let there be this and it will be. Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11.

Question 9. Who was the first person to be born?

Answer: Cain

Question 10. What are the professions of Cain and Abel the children of Adam?

Answer: Cain profession is farming and Abel profession is shepherd, Genesis 4:2

Question 11. How old was Abram when God call him?

Answer: 75 years old, Genesis 12:4

Question 12. Who deceived Eve in Garden of Eden to eat the forbidden fruit?

Answer: the Serpent, Genesis 3:4

Question 13. How old was Abraham when he was circumcised?

Answer: 99 years old (Genesis 17:24)

Question 14. How old was Sarah before she died?

Answer: 127 years old, Genesis 23:1

Question 15. How many days and night did Moses spent on Mount Sinai?

Answer: Moses (Exodus 24:16-18)

Question 16. Who were the first twin that was recorded in the Bible?

Answer: Esau and Jacob, Genesis 25:24


QUESTION 17. How many people did not see death in the Bible? Name them.

Answer: The Bible records two names. They are Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11).

Question 18. Among the disciples of Jesus, who was a physician?

Answer: Luke (Colossians 4:14)

Question 19. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

Answer: Jesus wept (John 11:35)


Question 20. How many Books of the Bible have only one chapter?

Answer: They are four – Obadiah, Jude, 2 John and 3 John.

Hope this is helpful? Keep visiting my Blog for more.

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