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Monday, September 9, 2024

Faithful Devotion: Daily Words of Encouragement



TEXT: Acts 20:11-12


11. When Paul had gone back upstairs and had broken the bread and eaten, he talked [informally and confidentially] with them for a long time-until daybreak [in fact]-and then he left.


12. They took the boy [Eutychus] home alive, and were greatly comforted and encouraged.


(Amplified Version Holy Bible)




As a mark of His supremacy, God will never be deterred by the antics of man. Because of the opposition they face in their respective ministries, some ministers and believers are tempted to give up. But winners never quit and quitters never win.

Paul was never discouraged by the opposition and challenges he faced. Rather, he even went on to encourage other brethren to continue in the ministry despite the difficulties encountered.

Paul would have conveniently gone into hiding so as not to be killed by the Jews but he continually defied them.

Despite all odds, God will always demonstrate His mighty power, just as He did by raising Eutychus from the dead.


QUESTION: Do you believe that God can still perform miracles in the face of all the challenges and opposition you are facing?


PRAYER: Encourage me, dear Lord, to consistently hold on to You in the face of all the opposition and challenges I am facing, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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