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Saturday, July 2, 2022

Free Daily Devotional

SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2022

TEXT: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33

23. “We are allowed to do anything,” so they say. That is true, but not everything is good. “We are allowed to do anything”-but not everything is helpful.

24. None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.

25. You are free to eat anything sold in the meat market, without asking any questions because of your conscience.

26. For, as the scripture says, “The earth and everything in it belong to the Lord.”

27. If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you decide to go, eat what is set before you, without asking any questions because of your conscience.

28. But if someone tells you, “This food was offered to idols,” then do not eat that food, for the sake of the one who told you and for conscience’ sake-

29. that is, not your own conscience, but the other person’s conscience. “Well, then,” someone asks, “why should my freedom to act be limited by another person’s conscience?

30. If I thank God for my food, why should anyone criticize me about food for which I give thanks?”

31. Well, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do it all for God’s glory.

32. Live in such a way as to cause no trouble either to Jews or Gentiles or to the church of God.

33. Just do as I do; I try to please everyone in all that I do, not thinking of my own good, but of the good of all, so that they might be saved.

(Good News Translation Holy Bible)


In today’s text, the issue of freedom to do whatever is lawful according to knowledge or conscience is limited by love (vs. 28-30). But believers’ freedom should be regulated by love for the conscience of others, with their limited knowledge of matters of faith. Paul says: “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not” (vs. 23, 24).

Today’s devotion admonishes us to always consider the feelings of others when exercising our freedom to do or not to do. While deciding about what to do or not to do, the right question to ask is, “If I do this, will it help to build (edify) the Christian congregation?” This was the same teaching Paul gave when he said, “to those who were speaking in tongues” (see 1 Corinthians 14:3-5).

It is equally important in the matter of eating the food purchased in the market or set before you in a friend’s house. You may eat without asking questions for the purpose of showing love without compromising your loyalty to Christ (vs. 25-28). “But if anyone says the table has been offered to idol, stop and eat no further. Whatever we do must promote the glory of God. Don’t misuse your Christian freedom to offend others (vs. 31-33) that they may be saved.”

QUESTION: Is your Christian liberty showing enough love for the salvation of unbelievers?

PRAYER: Let the love for others guide the exercise of my freedom, in Christ name, Amen.

Remain Blessed                                 

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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