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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Short Daily Devotional WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2022


TEXT: Acts 17:1-15

1. After Paul and Silas had gone through the cities of Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to the city of Thessalonica. The Jews had a place of worship there.

2. Paul went in as he always did. They gathered together each Day of Rest for three weeks and he taught them from the Holy Writings.

3. He showed them that Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead. He said, “I preach this Jesus to you. He is the Christ.”

4. Some of them put their trust in Christ and followed Paul and Silas. There were many Greek people and some leading women who honored God among those who had become Christians.

5. The Jews who did not put their trust in Christ became jealous. They took along some sinful men from the center of town where people gather and brought them out on the street. These angry men started all the people in the city to cry out with loud voices. They went to the house of Jason hoping to find Paul and Silas there and bring them out to the people.

6. But they did not find them there. Then they dragged Jason and some other Christians out in front of the leaders and cried out, “These men who have been making trouble over all the world have come here also.

7. And Jason has taken them in. they say there is another King called Jesus. They are working against the laws made by Caesar.”

8. When the people and city leaders heard this, they were troubled.

9. Then they made Jason and the others pay some money and let them go.

10. At once the Christians sent Paul and Silas away at night to the city of Berea. When they got there, they went to the Jewish place of worship.

11. These Jews were more willing to understand than those in the city of Thessalonica. They were very glad to hear the Word of God, and they looked into the Holy Writings to see if those things were true.

12. Many of them became Christians. Some of them were respected Greek women and men.

13. The Jews of Thessalonica heard that Paul was preaching the Word of God in Berea. They went there and worked against the missionaries by talking to the people.

14. At once the Christians sent Paul away to the sea-shore. But Silas and Timothy stayed there.

15. Those who took Paul brought him to the city of Athens. Paul sent word with them that Silas and Timothy should come to him as soon as they could. Then they left.

(New Life Version Holy Bible)


Jealous people bound everywhere. Not even the Church is an exempt. They are fault-finders, false accusers, alarmists and are always opposing the move of God in the Church.

Despite their opposition and accusations, Paul and Silas continued preaching the Gospel. Their message prompted the people of Berea to search the Scriptures daily to be sure they were hearing the truth.

Beloved brethren, do not allow the moves of jealous people stop you from preaching sound doctrine because they are not ready for the truth and would also want to block others from being blessed.

QUESTION: What will stop you from preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

PRAYER: I need Your grace and power to preach Your message anywhere I find myself, Oh Lord. Please help me to do so, not minding whatever opposition may come, in Jesus name, Amen.

Remain Blessed                                 

ECWA Food For The Day, 2022.

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