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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Scripture Reflections: Daily Moments with God

FRIDAY, 12 JULY 2024


TEXT: Numbers 9:15-23




Today's passage presents a wonderful experience where the people of Israel enjoyed the presence of God after they had set a meeting place with Him.


He led them in their journey as they only moved when the cloud moved and stopped when the cloud stopped. They were able to know when God wanted them to do something and when He wanted them to stop.


The Church of God as well as believers need this kind of experience to fulfil the purposes of God for this generation.


People ask questions to determine the will of God about issues that concern their lives as well as issues that concern the group or Church they belong to. Even then, we keep getting different opinions on the matters presented.


This suggests that there is the need for everyone to develop a close relationship with the Holy Spirit and a willingness to obey everything He says, even when that does not meet our desires.


This would lead us to understand and enjoy the leading of God for our lives.


QUESTION: How, in your understanding, is God leading His people today?


PRAYER: Help me, dear Lord, to understand the leading of the Holy Spirit in these last days and grant me the willingness to obey every thing You have commanded, in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain Blessed      

ECWA Food For The Day, 2024.

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