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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Commit Yourself Daily With Daily Devotions


TEXT: Proverbs 22:1-6

1. It is better to be respected than to be rich. A good name is worth more than silver or gold.

2. The rich and the poor are the same. The LORD made them all.

3. Wise people see trouble coming and get out of its ways, but fools go straight to it and suffer for it.

4. Respect the LORD and be humble. Then you will have wealth, honor, and true life.

5. Evil people are tapped by many troubles, but those who want to live avoid them.

6. Teach children in a way that fits their needs, and even when they are old, they will not leave the right path.

(Easy-to-Read Version Holy Bible)



Many people today seem to have forgotten how valuable a good name is.


Today's passage reminds us of the impact of a good name in a man's life (vs.1) which the wise man affirms is more desirable than great riches and more esteemed than silver and gold. This calls for prudence to avoid any danger and take refuge. But the foolish man will not see the danger and so falls into it.


In the spirit of a good name, there is the need for parents to help their children choose the right path, help them to discern their path (vs. 6).They should know that if they fail and take the path of wickedness, they will be caught up in thorns and snares. But he who guards his soul stays far from these.


Therefore, parents should discern the individuality and special strengths with which God has endowed each child.


Parents should allow their children make their choices at maturity but we pray that they make the right choices and follow the right path.


So, train up your children to choose the right way so as to maintain a good name.


QUESTION: Do you have a good name and do you train your children to remain on the right path towards a good name?


PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to cultivate a good name and help me to train my children to also remain on the right path, in Jesus name. Amen.


Remain Blessed

ECWA Food For The Day, 2023.

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